
Bluff Strokes Art Center emerged after Pigeon Art Center, Inc and Bluff Strokes combined in 2024.  Bluff Strokes has offered rich experiences for outdoor painters since 2014. As Bluff Strokes Art Center, will host the 7th Paint Out, 2024 October, and we will begin programming for year-round art education and artist support.


Nov 2014 Mississippi River Art Workshops founded under Dubuque County Fine Arts Society.

Jun 2015       First plein air workshop; John Preston, “Painting the Mississippi Plein Air.”

Oct 2016       First Urban Sketching Workshop; Kathleen Newmann, "Urban Sketching in Dubuque."  Collaboration with Dubuque Heritage Works.

Oct 2016       First Bluff Strokes Plein Air Paint Out

Jun 2017       Plein Air Painters of Dubuque (PPODS) launched out of summer workshop

May 2018     Mississippi River Art Workshops name changed to Bluff Strokes.

June 2018    First outreach projects launched at Dubuque Food Pantry and Boys/Girls Club.

2023            Pigeon Art Center Incorporated and obtained 501©3 status, offered summer life drawing sessions, wrote its business plan and pro forma.  As they developed their mission and vision, the connection with Bluff Strokes surfaced.

2024          Bluff Strokes and Pigeon Art Center merged and became Bluff Strokes Art Center.